Diamond Gemstones

A diamond is that thing which is unbreakable proper, or in other words, we can also say that diamond is that things which is referred to unalterable. And in simply way , we know that diamond is one of the best known and the most sought after gemstones , this diamond have been known to mankind and which is used as a decorative items that since from the ancient times in which some of the earliest references which can be traced to the country of India . The hardest of the diamond and its high dispersion of light. The Astrologer of the diamond gemstones who is giving the diamond’s characteristic fires which make it useful for the purpose or motive of the Industrial applications and also which is desirable for the purpose of jewelry.

Effect of diamond gemstones

Diamond is the astrological gemstone of the Venus or in other words it is said to be Shukra Graha that is known as Vedic astrology. If we talking about the Science and medical then it is stated that diamond is an allotrope of Carbon and which has hardness of 10 that is one the most outstanding qualities creditable for over whelming popularity and fame of diamonds are their different ways in which the first one is extreme hardness, the second one is high refractive index, the third one is high thermal, the fourth one is high thermal and electrical conductivity , the fifth one is lavish astrological benefits and the last or sixth one is immense beauty . The Other names a diamond are Heera which is used in Hindi language only. This is the effect of diamond gemstones.

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